Cotula sericea

Cotula sericea


Common Names

Silky Buttons (english)


Genus Cotula
Species sericea
SA Plant Number
Basionym Cotula sericea


Cotula sericea is a hardy, evergreen, fast-growing, flat, sprawling groundcover with really beautiful, grey-green leaves that have fine hairs that give this plant a soft silky texture.

The single, bright-yellow, button-like flowers are carried on long stems above the leaves. They have some flowers all year round, but in profusion in spring and summer.

The flowers attract many insects to the garden. It is also used in traditional medicine. This versatile plant can be used as a groundcover, in amongst rocks, in containers, in hanging baskets, on pond edges and also in seepages and damp areas. It can also be used to stabilise banks.

Prune regularly to keep it strong and in shape. Plant in well-drained soil, in full sun or light shade, and water regularly.

Size: 20 to 40mm


E. Cape

Habitat:Cliffs, Coastal Scrub


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